Sewerin Stethophon 04 handheld leak detector - SDR WIRELESS Kits with – Utility Technologies
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Sewerin Stethophon 04 handheld leak detector - SDR WIRELESS Kits with Hard Case


  • $3,132.00

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Stethopon 04 SDR Wireless Kits:

(Shipping to Ohio and Michigan Only)

The Stethophon 04 is a sound detector for recording and
amplifying structure-borne oscillations of all kinds. The oscillation
sensor provides undistorted sound reproduction even when the
noise is barely audible.

Besides the cable headphones, a wireless version is available
including SDR digital radio. The Sewerin Digital Radio (SDR)
offers a sound transmission quality equal or better than by cable.
By going without the cable, the comfort of work is improved
considerably. Headphones and detector connect automatically
by bidirectional radio link when switched on.
Sewerin Digital Radio works over short distances without
any loss. Unlike simple analogue radio transmissions, the
completely digital signal processing does not allow to occur
acoustic interference caused by hissing, re-amplifying or others.

The filter function enables the users to listen to the sound at the
frequency that best suits their hearing and the particular noise
being listened to. The filters make it easier to hear certain noises
such as the deep-pitched sounds typical from leaks in plastic
pipes and higher frequencies from metallic pipes.
The hearing protection feature automatically ensures that the
headphones are muted when loud noises suddenly arise to
protect the operator. To help with the leak detection, the
® Stethophon 04 not only indicates the noise levels acoustically,
but also displays them digitally.
The lowest measured noises of the previous and current locations
are numerically displayed and can be compared objectively


  • Detecting defects in the plumbing and heating installations of buildings
  • Examination of house service lines when the water meter is replaced
  • Examination and localisation of damages in compressed air systems
  • To be used as a fast leak detector in water networks
  • Check on machine bearings


  • Wireless headphones using digital signal transmission (SDR)
  • External ground microphone
  • 8 filter levels
  • Hearing protection function
  • Numerical display of minimum noise level (0 – 1000)
  • Minimum operating time 8 hours
  • Lightweight packaging, the sound detector only weighs 290 g
  • Handy dimensions: just 50 x 228 x 30 mm (W x H x D) Wireless headphones using digital signal 

Components of the three available kits You can order components  separately at any time to upgrade:

  • SDR Basic Wireless Kit:
    • Stethophon 04 Leak Detector
    • Probe tip
    • Two 6" Probe Extensions
    • Round Magnet
    • Sewerin SDR Wireless headphones
    • 12v and 120v Chargers
    • Hard Carry Case with handle and custom fit foam insert
  • SDR Standard Wireless Kit:
    • All of the items in the Basic Wireless Kit PLUS:
    • EM35  Wired Microphone
    • Ground Resonance Plate for ground/slab listening
  • SDR Complete Wireless Kit:
    • All of the items in the Standard Wireless Kit PLUS:
    • EM35 Microphone Protector
    • Carry Clip for EM35 Microphone
    • 46" Long probe rod with Handle for deep valve boxes

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Hard Hat Safety Helmet Headphones available as an option

Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery if not shown as in stock

Shipping Note: This item SHIPS ONLY to Ohio or Michigan. Orders with shipping to other states will not be fulfilled. Contact us for referral to dealers in other states, or find your local dealer at sewerin.com.

Stethophon04, Stethophon 04, Stethhophon-04, Stethophone

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