Ohio Section AWWA History - Looking back at the 1951-1958 – Utility Technologies
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Ohio Section AWWA History - Looking back at the 1951-1958

Posted by Mark Beatty on

AWWA - Ohio Section
Photo Gallery
Annual Conventions of the 1950s

I have handed down some old photos that used to be take of the attendees of the Ohio Section of the American Water Works Association. My Grandfather is in most of these photos through the 1950's as well as an uncle. Below are photos from 1951 to 1958. The years 1950, 52, and 59 are not in my photo archive. Based on the annual numbering of these photos, the annual meetings/conferences started in 1936 or thereabouts unless they were interrupted by WWII.

One of the things you will notice in the 1950s is that almost all attendees are wearing suits and ties. If you look closely, you will find a few who dared to take off the tie, and even one or two without a suit jacket. in the 1950s the industry appeared to have no women or minorities involved as attendees. The photos also go from being called a convention to a conference to a meeting over these years, but were always held in September

This blog will continue with a second post of photos from the 1960's, so check back.

Here are the photos of Annual Conventions of the Ohio Section of the AWWA (American Water Works Association):

16th Annual Convention

Sept 27-28, 1951 - Toledo, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA Convention 1951

18th Annual Conference

September 10-11, 1953 -  Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA Convetion - 1953

19th Annual Conference

Sept 22-24, 1954 - Dayton Biltmore, Dayton, Ohio

Ohio AWWA Convention 1954

20th Annual Conference

Sept 21-23, 1955 - Neil House, Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA Annual Conference 1955

21st Annual Conference

Sept 19-21, 1956 - Hotel Commodore Perry, Toledo, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA 21st Annual Conference - Hotel Commodore Perry, Toledo, Ohio Sept 19-21, 1956

22nd Annual Conference

September 18-20, 1957 - Netherland Hilton Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA 22nd Annual Conference - Netherland Hilton Hotel, Cincinnati, OH September 18-20, 1957

23rd Annual Meeting

September 17-19, 1958 - Hotel Statler, Cleveland, Ohio

Ohio Section AWWA 23rd Annual Meeting - Hotel Statler, Cleveland, Ohio Sept 17-19, 1958


If you know anyone in these photos, please feel free to comment who they are and where they are in the photos. My Grandfather, Charles Edwin (ED) Beatty is in the front row of the 1953 photo, the fifth person from the right; and the front row third from the left in both the 1955 and 1956 photos.

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